Another way to manage your own health is through following the “Preventative Health Guidelines” that have been developed by health experts. These procedures and tests, that are listed below, will help you to prevent illness and identify problems before they become serious. Help your doctor to manage your health by requesting and following these recommendations within the time frames that are listed.

Recommended Tests to Maintain Your Health!

TestHow Often Test Should Be Completed
Blood PressureBlood pressure should be taken every year to monitor control at less than 140/90. If diagnosed with hypertension, blood pressure should be monitored more frequently.
Cholesterol TestFor those individuals who are at risk for heart disease or high cholesterol, an LDL-C test should be done every year.
Colorectal Test

Individuals ages 50-75 should have one of the three tests:

  • Colonoscopy (every 10 years)
  • FlexSigmoidoscopy (every 5 years)
  • Stool test to check for blood every year
Diabetes Screening

For those with diabetes, must yearly have:

  • Eye exam
  • Kidney function test
  • Cholesterol check
  • Blood sugar lab (Hemoglobin A1c)
Flu VaccineIt is best to have the flu vaccine every year before flu season.
Glaucoma TestA glaucoma test should be done at least once a year by an eye doctor to help prevention of glaucoma.
MammogramWomen ages 40-74 should have a mammogram every 1-2 years.
OsteoporosisWomen 67 years of age and older who have had a fracture, a bone mineral density test or medication is recommended within 6 months after the fracture.
Pap SmearWomen ages 21-67 should have a pap smear done once every 3 years. If high risk for cervical cancer, follow doctor’s recommendations.
Pneumonia VaccineTo prevent Pneumonia, the pneumonia vaccine should be taken at least once or twice in an individual’s life time.
Rheumatoid Arthritis ManagementIndividuals diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis should be prescribed an anti-rheumatic drug by their doctor.
Monitoring Medications Taken on Long Term BasisAt least once a year a Comprehensive Metabolic Panel Lab should be completed to ensure the medication(s) is/are still safe and effective.
Yearly Physical Exam

A yearly physical exam will help maintain your overall health. This visit will:

  • Allow your doctor to discuss your present medical concern and medical history
  • Complete a physical exam
  • Order appropriate tests as needed


The tests above will help maintain good health, and also prevention or control of diseases.
For more information on the tests above or to schedule a visit, please call your Primary Care Doctor.

Guidelines are based on U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendations.


For Men & Women

Type of ImmunizationInterval
Tetanus-Diphtheria Booster (Td)Periodically (typically every 10 years after completion of primary series)

Type of ImmunizationInterval
Rubella Serology or VaccinationFor women of childbearing age (interval to be determined by physician)